The effect of the color...2
Recent study says many people feel stress to see the white wall of the hospitals. White was used as the symbol of cleanliness. They adopt light pink or green as the stress free color. They are contented with its effect as relaxation.
Statistical report says many people feel time is shorter in the cool color than in the worm color. So they are surprised its effect that many patients stop complaining about spending much time in the waiting room by changing color to cool ones.
And the color is influenced on the temperature. When someone changes the color to light pink in the bathroom, he doesn’t feel cold because his sensory temperature rise up to 3 degree C.
The employees become cheerfully and increase their productivity by painting the factory with orange color. They used to be dismal in the gloomy factory.
I recommend you to change the color to worm one if you feel stress or depression.
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Daijiro Hayashida