Relaxation For Meditation

It allows to open your energy, finding and creating works of your life, and your awaken energy can bring you growth, expansion, renewal, and aliveness.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

What is your favorite color?..1


We live under the light of the sun with various kinds of colors.
We are acting unconsciously to brighter and more express ourselves by using them.

Knowing about your native color and shape enable you to shine and express your charm.

The color is a great blessing for us, and every color exists for shining yourself.

Color has a profound effect on our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

If our energy center is blocked and become to stagnate, our mind and body cannot function properly, and this means a variety of problems on any level.

The stagnation of your feeling leads to that of your energy and results in your big stress and this, in turn, can lead to the various kind of illness.

You must check every day about the circulation of your energy and the flow of your feeling.

If your energy doesn’t move smoothly, try to refresh yourself by choosing favorite color and wearing match your feeling.

What color are you wearing match your feeling today?

Here is the address of my website;

I hope you enjoy it.

Daijiro Hayashida

Sunday, October 22, 2006

The rising sun enhances your healing power...2

How do you feel today?

Deep breathe and positive imagination will enable you to heal the body and mind, and to enhance the power of your life energy.

1. To enable you to recover and strengthen the life energy of the cell.

2. To untie stiffening of the mind and the body who become hard.

3. To help your brain to relax and activate.

4. To recover and strengthen your immunity and natural healing power

5. To improve the symptom assumed to be uncertain cause.

Image the rising sun with shining to gold when you will inhale.

Image the warm light to touch the head, face, chest, belly, legs in turn and finally spread the whole body.

Image the expelling the every thing with negative desire and bad one in the body when you will exhale.

Then image the drawing the vivid energy from the space into your body when you will inhale, and image your body is bathing by the golden shining sun.

That allows reviving the energy in your body and mind.

Here's the address for my website;

I hope you enjoy it.

Daijiro Hayashida