Relaxation For Meditation

It allows to open your energy, finding and creating works of your life, and your awaken energy can bring you growth, expansion, renewal, and aliveness.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Listen to music for reducing your stress 2

Many people believe recently that the classic music such as Mozart and Satie have the effect of stress reducing.

Recent studies report that any kind of music can solves the tension of the body, rises the temperature of the skin and decreases the level of a muscular tension.

Even in case of Heavy Metal Rock music, listening your favorite one results in forgetting the fatigue and relieving unpleasant feeling.

To put it the other way around, if you are not attracted to the famous musical masterpieces, you can’t reduce the stress.

It is more effective as a method of reducing stress if you listen to the same kind of music as same as your feeling at that time.

For example, when you feel sad, listen to the music with sorrowful image. When you feel cheerful, listen to the music with having fun and warm.

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I hope you enjoy it.

Daijiro Hayashida


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